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Blue & White Monthly Prize Draw - Entries Now Open!

Blue & White Monthly Prize Draw - Entries Now Open!

Monday 31 March 2025, 00:00
Tuesday 1 January 2030, 00:00
Syd Birnie

Introducing our latest fund-raising initiative: -
Dyce FC BLUE and WHITE Monthly Cash Prize Draw.
This fundraiser is to help with the ongoing running costs of the Club and its Teams. The entry money will be paid into the dedicated Dyce FC bank account and used to meet financial outlays associated with the day-to-day expense of running our teams during the season and the further development and enhancement of the facilities at Ian Mair Park, Dyce.

1. For a cost of £10 per month participants will have one chance of winning a cash prize, you will be allocated a number as your draw number, and this will be entered into each monthly cash prize draw.
2. There is no restriction on the number of entries per person and there is no limit on entries / numbers per household.
3. A draw will be made monthly, on the last Saturday of the month, with the draw being done using a random number generator, producing 3 random numbers, with the order they are generated dictating the cash prize allocated. The draw will be facilitated by the designated Draw promoter and the Club Treasurer.
4. Each monthly draw will consist of 3 prizes of 1st number drawn = 1st prize of £250, 2nd number drawn = 2nd prize of £100 and the 3rd number drawn = 3rd prize of £50.
5. The BLUE and WHITE Monthly Cash Prize Draw is a private lottery and is open to all players, supporters, family members and friends of anyone associated with Dyce Football Club. Anyone aged 16 or over can join. Dyce FC committee members are NOT permitted to enter the draw.
6. Payments must be made by monthly standing order. One month’s notice is required for cancellation.
7. Entrants number(s) will only be entered if their subscription is up to date.
8. If an entrant has no valid reason for missing a payment, their number may be sold to someone else. The decision on what is a valid reason for missing payment shall sit solely with the committee of Dyce FC.
9. The winning numbers will be posted on Dyce Football Club’s social media platforms and will be paid out to the lucky winners within one week of the draw at the latest.
10. The BLUE and WHITE Monthly Cash Prize Draw will be run by Dyce Football Club. In case of any dispute the decision of the committee shall be final.
11. Unless otherwise advised, an entrant shall be deemed to have left the BLUE and WHITE Monthly Cash Prize Draw if a subscription renewal remains unpaid for a period of one month.
12. If a winner cannot be contacted, the winnings will be retained by Dyce Football Club after 3 months.

The Club designated members responsible for the scheme will be Kevin Massie – Draw promoter and Neil Yeoman – Club Treasurer. The BLUE and WHITE Monthly Cash Prize Draw is approved by Aberdeen City Council Licencing Board and as such a permit to operate this prize draw has been issued by same.

Start of Scheme
The promotion and selling of entries starts immediately, and the first draw will be on the 1st of March 2025, and will be drawn then and on the last Saturday of the month thereafter.

How to Join the BLUE and WHITE Monthly Cash Prize Draw
Joining the BLUE and WHITE Monthly Cash Prize Draw is a simple 2 stage process which must be followed carefully.

Step 1:-
Make your entry by emailing both and with:-
Name -
Your Email -
Contact Number –
Amount / Names entered -

Step 2:-
Set up monthly payment from your Bank Account. We suggest that you select a date as close to the start of the month as possible.
You will be entered into the draw as soon as we receive first payment. The reference that you use MUST be your full name to match the form above. The Dyce Football Club Bank Account details are: -

Dyce Juniors Football Club Limited
Sort Code – 40-16-11
Account Number – 02765551

You will be emailed with a confirmation of your entry and your allocated draw number(s) within 48 hours of receipt of your 1st standing order payment.

Good Luck!

Further reading
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Join to set attendance
You need to join this club before you can set your attendance